Assalamualaikum... =))
Winter Sonata film location? Seriously kat Korea ni mereka sungguh berbangga dengan film yang dihasilkan sendiri. Mereka mesti promote lokasi yang ada pernah buat penggambaran. Tak kesah la filem atau drama apa pun. Tempat dorang makan ke, karaoke ke, main basketball ker, naek beskal ke, every single things dia akan tunjukkan. So trip kali ni akan membawa anda ke lokasi penggambaran Winter Sonata iaitu Chuncheon Street dan Nami Island. Jommmmm... Hahaha =p
Now kosentrat untuk activity hari ke-5 di Korea. As usual, my HP alarm berbunyi seawal 4a.m (waktu Malaysia), means 5a.m (waktu Korea). Time kuar hotel Mr. Vincent dah jemput kitorang and greet Annyonghaseyo (Annyonghaseyo can be used for all greet, good morning or good evening or good night or hye2 or hoi2). Around 8am bus pun meninggalkan Ramada Seoul Hotel, Gangnam Gu dan bergerak ke Itaewon for breakfast.
Evergreen - One of Halal's Restaurant in Korea |
Breakfast |
Breakfast dulu... Yummy... =) |
Lepas breakfast naik bus dan bergerak ke Nami Island, it take more than 2hours from Itaewon. Memang Honey tak tido sepanjang perjalanan tu, menghayati keindahan bumi Korea.
Cantiknya pemandangan |
Almost 2hours journey, we take a break at Chuncheon Myeongdong Street, one of the famous Winter Sonata Film location. Tempat ni jugak sangat-sangat terkenal untuk kaki shopping bcoz it has plenty of shops selling clothing, handbags, shoes and accessories. However it was not as happening as the Myeongdong in Seoul.
Chuncheon Street |
WINTER SONATA | Yu-jin and Jun-Sang promise to meet in Chuncheon street on New Year's Evening. Yu-Jin tunggu kat luar, sanggup kesejukan tau, tapi not realizing that Jun-sang was in car accident. Sedey kan.. =( |
Winter Sonata |
Two palm prints belong to Yu-Jin and Jun-Sang |
I didn't take too much picture in here, sebab sangat sejuk. While the others goin' to shops, Honey and kawan-kawan pegi Mc'D and have a cup of hot coffee. Sangat diperlukan dikala sejuk.
Mc D at Chuncheon Street |
Hot Coffee |
Semua dah penat shopping, kitorang tinggalkan Chuncheon street, go to lunch in Gyeonggi-do. Makan Korean Foods lak. Kat restaurant ni ramai gak Malaysian's tourist. Rasa macam best je dapat jumpa rakan senegara even tak kenal. Hahaa
On the way to Gyeonggi-do |
Lunch |
My elder sis |
Yummyyy... =] |
Lepas makan dan solat, baru bergerak ke destinasi utama, Nami Island. To get there, we must take 5 minute ferry ride from Gapyeong Wharf. What a waste if u come to Korea dan tidak melawat this romantic place. Rugi sangatlah rugi... =)
Gapyeong Ferry Wharf |
Schedule |
Before naik ferry, you need to go into "Immigration". Untuk pengetahuan korang, Nami-sum declared itself independent from the Republic of Korea on March 2006. A Passport issued from Naminara is required to enter the Namisum. So your day ticket is a Visa, a season pass is a Passport and so on. Pastu, they gave Nami-sum another name which is Naminara (Nami Country) Republic.
Should pass the immigration first?? hehe |
Uikss Naminara Republic?? Immigration?? Passport?? It was flabbergasted right??hehe... Actually it's not really immigration la, they just want you to feel as you are entering an another foreign country in Korea, I thought it was kinda fun. Thats why la it has their own flag, Naminarian flag. And also lots of flag from another country kat ferry tu.
Tickets - 'Entry VISA' |
Visitors |
Are you ready? =) |
yeay..proud to be Malaysian... |
Yeay dah sampai... Welcome to Naminara Republic... =) |
More about Korea Vacation!!!
KOREA : Part 5 (Coming Soon)
Apa Kata Honey: Sapa peminat Winter Sonata?
5 Responses So Far:
saya!!! tengok berulang kali pun tak bosan.. :p
winter sonata first drama korea yg i layan.jiwang seyh..
teringin nak pegi korea lepas tgk movie winter sonata...
mahal ke tiket masuk nami island tu?
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